Pip and Joey first meet eachother when Vienna and Thomas start babysitting Joey
Pip's second birthday where Joey gives him the nickname Pip (seen in "I'm Sorry, Pip")
Pip gets punched in the face by Vincent Audstein and he gets a crooked nose. Joey starts seeing shadowy figures/shadow people
Pip meets Spencer Helen, a British exchange student and they become best friends Joey is exploring deep in the highly feared woods of the town, which he knows is wrong but he's curious. He hears a loud crashing sound and goes to the source to investigate. When he hides in the bushes, he sees what appears to be a no eyed alien. This is when his interest in aliens and the paranormal begins
Pip and his father are invited over for Christmas Eve by Joey's parents because they have nobody else to spend it with. Joey starts rambling about the paranormal and his father gets upset about it and Joey goes to his room and cries. Pip finds him and tells him that what he was talking about wasn't stupid and he wanted to hear more. This is where their friendship starts
Joey starts having vivid nightmares after he picks a mushroom he found in the forest. He wakes up that night to see a scar on his cheek. He freaks out and starts covering it with a bandage.
Pip realizes he has a HUGE crush on Joey but he's in denial about it Joey realizes he's trans
Pip comes out to his father as gay. His dad accepts him and bakes him decorated rainbow cookies to celebrate Joey is motivated by Pip to come out to his family as trans, but Joey's family don't react as expected and his dad gets extremily upset about him and tells him in detail about surgeries trans people get. He then went on about how much better Joey's brother was than him, even though his brother supported him.
Pip accidently pushes Spencer into the river and Spencer can't swim. Pip tries to save him but he can't. He even jumps into the river to try and find him even though he hates water. He feels responsable for his death.
Pip runs away and puts his body in an arcade cabinet to avoid the guilt and start a new life. He starts brainwashing the people to come play his game but things go a little overboard and he ends up causing a few people to go missing, causing the arcade to shut down for good and leaving him alone in darkness and silence.
Pip's father commits suicide since Pip was his main motivator for staying alive Joey moves out of his parent's house and cuts his hair


Joey meets Clover